Friday, 4 May 2012

Morsh: Out of Blogfice

As you all probably know by now, I am off on my holidays on Monday!  Hitting Vegas for 8 nights but got a lovely 2 whole weeks of work - pure bliss! 

My time in Vegas will consist of sunbathing, eating, drinking, smoking, more drinking, more smoking, shopping and RAIDING Sephora - I have been so excited about going in this shop for months, I am genuinely going to be in heaven!

I have a list of the beauty products I know I want to get when I am out there, but obviously I am going to go mental and basically buy whatever catches my eye - all the beauty readers out there will be pleased to know I am planning a massive Vegas Beauty Haul post as soon as I am back!

Thanks for reading, have a lovely 2 weeks and i'll see you on the other side, and remember - what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!  (apart from herpes, that shit will come back with you!)

Morsh xx

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