If you've read my blog before, you probably have a slightly knowledge of Rejam. If not, Rejam is run by 4 of my friends NPD, Jack, Doug and Ben. They host club nights, they have radio shows, they have podcasts on iTunes. They have a deep passion for house music and as the residents, NPD and Jack are always spot on with the music they play and the acts they get signed to guest at their club nights and on their radio shows. The last party, held on Friday just gone, was to celebrate a year from the date this all first started - Rejam's 1st Birthday.
The boys have really come so far in a year and it's been amazing to watch. Their first party started out in a smallish venue in Shoreditch called Public Life with a decent amount of people, a few podcasts on iTunes and some pretty cool flyers. Fast forward a year and you will see the development of the Rejam name through being top of the listings on RA, the growth of the Rejam Family in it's entirety and the gradual rise in noteriety of NPD and Jack being fucking good DJs and proving their worth.
Everything has got bigger. The Rejam Family grows after every party because everyone has such an awesome time. The DJ's they get to head their parties are getting better and better with every event. The flyers are even getting better, with the flyer for the 1st Birthday bash being EXCELLENT.
The 1st Birthday party on Friday went off - held in 7-9 Crucifix Lane (the best venue yet), the room was packed to the rafters with people that have a sheer love for house music and the Rejam vibe. The boys had gone to town with the decor with big Rejam signs and a MASSIVE fake cake next to the DJ booth, the same cake that was on their flyer. The venue was bigger, the decor was better and the music was out of this world.
The pulled in big names for this party - NPD and Jack Doyle as the resident DJs started proceedings, then Max Vaahs & Manuel Schatz and Mihigh & K.D. Chriss set the tone for the main event, Soul Capsule aka Thomas Melchior & Baby Ford raising the roof until 6am.
I could not be more chuffed for these boys and it's not even because I know them. It's because time after time they manage to pull off a brilliant night with a awesome vibe and they do everything they set out to do - create a great party with awesome music and ensure the night has a 'community' vibe to it. The Rejam Family is one of the closest knit familes I have ever seen - even if you turn up to Rejam not knowing anyone, I guarantee you will leave with 100 new friends and a renewed excitement for house music. Rejam's are regularly the highlight of my month and a source of great excitement for me - after every party I have been to i've said "that was the best one yet", so I just know they are going to continue to grow and get better and better.
Well done boys, you've done so much in a year - think of where you'll be in another years time! Happy Birthday and long live Rejam!
Unit the sun sets and the party begins...
All photos courtesy of the lovely DaddysGotSweets :)
Please can I come to the next one? Especially if its near my house again! Looks (quoting Charlie Don here... #totes amaze)