Sorry i’ve been a bit AWOL on the old blog recently, have been off having lots of run with a rich man aboard a yacht in St Tropez.
I haven’t actually, I have been off work for 3 days in Ascot spending time with my sister. Better than being at work though right?
I’ve done the whole “ooh look i’m a blogger and i’ve got lots of pictures to show you” thing as it’s the easy, lazy way to tell you all what i’ve been up to. Sometimes I find it hard to blog and everything I think of seems like it would be a really lame post, and other times I have blog ideas coming out of my head and not enough time in the day to write them all down. I’m going to force myself to get back into the swing of it, I think taking pictures for posts like this will help me keep it ticking over until I get my mojo back... More rants, more reviews and more rudeness coming soon hopefully...
If there’s anything you’d like to see me blog about, any posts you really liked or ones you really didn’t like PLEASE feel free to comment below and let me know. Feedback is one of the most important tools a blogger can have (apart from a computer, obviously).
Drinks after work with Bano, Bank // Charlie promoting her body spray // Dutch and I enjoying Brad's nuts |
Paul dressed appropriately in the rain // No leftovers, oops // Edward curing my monster hangover |
Studded nails // Heat! // Dutch being a bastard |
Meal for Bano's birthday, check out the embarassing oblig birthday cake picture! |
Baby Louie <3 // Sunny Saturday at the Races // Horses doing their thang |
Rik Jenga // Occupying ourselves in the Indian // <3 |
Back to work :( // Vegas body prep // Boo to work |
Casetagram!!!! // Lovely Harrods ribbon // Glossybox: Harrods Edition |
the casetagram is sooo cool!!! i've never seen one before :)