Tuesday, 17 January 2012

The Age Old Workwear Debate...

Today I am going to raise the age old question a lot of you have spent most of your time pondering (i’m sure).  Are trainers acceptable with work attire if you are on your commute to/from work?  I think this is a horrific crime against fashion and I am going to list the reasons why below – i’m sure you are all on the edge of your seats, so try and contain yourselves...

1.   Trainers do not go with trousers at all – Trousers and trainers are not acceptable.  If you REALLY HAVE TO wear trainers with something other than sportswear, then drainpipe trousers are the only acceptable leg coverers, and this is only in a matter of life or death.  Even this is bad though, for the following 2 reasons1.  There will never be a life or death situation that would require you to wear trousers and trainers 2. If you own a pair of drainpipe trousers then you sound like you might be on the ball a bit with fashion, so you will already know that trainers and trousers are not a good look.

2.   Trainers are definitely not to be worn with a skirt and tights EVER.  No one wears trainers and skirts and just because you are going to work doesn’t mean that you are allowed to.  Trainers with a skirt make your legs and feet resemble golf clubs and this is never a good look for any woman.

3.   Wearing trainers with your work outfit totally ruins the whole ‘sexy secretary look’ that men find so attractive.  I would lay my life on the fact there has never been a man who has fantasised about being naughty in their office with their secretary, and when they look down at their feet they have a pair of Air Force Ones on (I know those trainers are so 2002 but I have no idea about brands of trainers today as I point blank don’t wear them – EVER).  Don’t worry, there have been times where I have been on the train and I look like I have literally been pulled out of a swamp after a fight with a crocodile so it’s not as if I embrace the SS look every day, but you can at least give men this illusion, fake it a bit!  I don’t wear heels to work as I have a hard enough time trying to walk in them at the weekend let alone stumbling around the office trying to print out some files for my boss.  Flat shoes are fine with skirts and can make you look dainty and ballerina like – trainers make you look like an idiot.

4.  There is literally no reason why trainers and workwear on the tube is a requirement.  Going to the gym?  Put your trainers in your bag and put them on once you are there.  Find heels uncomfortable walking to the station in?  Get a pair of cute flats then.  Planning on running to the station?  Don’t.  Can’t get shoes comfortable enough that aren’t trainers?  Go to your doctor.  I cannot think of any reason why anyone would want to wear trainers on the train.

This whole discussion came around this morning while I was on the train with my friend Jamie.  A woman was standing next to us, dressed in a smart suit with a pencil skirt, tights, and then these massive black trainers on her feet.  I cannot work out why this would ever be the sort of thing someone would think to put on their feet when they are getting ready for work?  Anyway, Jamie works in Fashion and I have noticed of late that he takes notice of what women wear anyway, but he looked down, looked at me and then said “look at her feet, I HATE THAT”.  You might think men don’t notice, but they do.  I also know that you might be reading this post and think “I don’t care what men think, I dress for myself in what I like and what I am comfortable in” – That is absolutely fair enough and I congratulate you for being your own person, BUT if you have any sort of interest in your appearance whatsoever then you would not wear trainers with workwear.

I am not vain or massively concerned with my appearance.  I don’t dress for friends, boys or anyone other than me.  I wear what I like and if someone else doesn’t like it it doesn’t matter – they aren’t wearing it.  That being said, I do like to look nice and I don’t want people looking at me and wondering what sort of injury I suffered that would make me want to dress the way I have.  I am all for pushing the boundaries of fashion and trying new things, being creative – however this is not pushing the boundaries, being creative or just trying to be comfortable.  This is just lazy fashion and I wish all women would care about their appearance EVERYWHERE they go.  I am not saying you have to be dolled up to go to the shops, or have a full face of make up to go and get petrol.  Just try and look nice all the time, opportunities come along no matter where you are, relationiships get formed all the time when you least expect it.  You don’t want to be the woman they remember for having the criminal trainers on.  I could understand if there was a point to it, same as I don’t bat an eyelid if a girl is wearing heels or flats, if someone is in full sports gear on the train or if someone is wearing a huge b*stard rain mac (if it’s actually raining out).  As I stated before, I just cannot think of a legitimate reason of why you would want to wear trainers on the train;  If you have bothered to make the effort and get up, do your hair, put on make up and a nice suit then just spend the extra 10 seconds slipping on a pair of flat shoes and leave the trainers at home! 

I enquired on Twitter as to what people thought about trainers and workwear, and got a few responses.  Jess (@styladelica) said that she has a 20 minute walk to/from work so there is no way she would wear heels, hence she wears trainers.  I totally understand, yet I asked her why she didn’t just wear flat shoes?  I get that they might not be as comfortable as trainers, but they aren’t uncomfortable – they are flat?  As of yet, no response.

Anyway, I don’t want to cause offence to anyone.  If you do wear trainers to work that’s your prerogative and none of my business.  If you think I am talking out of my ass and want to set me straight then please feel free to comment on here and let me know why.

***Please bear in mind that throughout the duration of me writing this blog post, in my head I have been imagining a pair of black trainers.  If you wear OR endorse the possibility of WHITE trainers with work wear, then please answer the following questions:  1.  Have you had an accident at work recently?  2.  Have you been hit on the head?  3.  Have you suffered a minor stroke?  4.  Are you drunk?  If your answers to any of these questions is yes, then please feel free to either email me and I will try to help you, or contact your local doctor.***

UPDATE!!  My friend Jo has just read this blog post and has labelled these people #sneakerbastards - brilliant.

Is this you?


  1. THIS. FLATS EXIST, WOMEN. I do NOT understand why trainers seem to be the only option. Especially when the women then go and peel their socks off when the train is about to pull into London. NO.

  2. some women look good in trainers and can pull it off

    1. As per my tweet, men can pull it off so I think some women can depends on what style of clothing you are wearing (even some business attire!)

    2. Some women look good in trainers yes Anon, but not while they are wearing suits!

  3. Edgley, there is no way in the world a woman call pull of a suit and trainer combo, there is just no way!

  4. Hey! I don't wear trainers, I wear Converse or mong boots - there's a difference... duh! ;)


    1. But Jess - do you wear them with skirts and tights, because converse with a smart skirt and tights is equally as bad :)

    2. Maybe...ok, ok - just call me Miranda!

  5. A woman in a smart suit wearing trainers suggests success AND physical aptitude.

    Mark my words, you'll be choosing to wear such an ensemble next Autumn. Uggs will be out, New Balance will be in!

  6. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. In fact, you'll choose to be buried in it!
