Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Deck the Halls...

I’m in an actual frenzy today for 3 reasons – I have Thursday and Friday off work, it’s only 5 months will Vegas and 18 days till Christmas!  Waaaah!

SO In exactly 5 months I will be bursting at the actual seams with excitement as I make my way to Vegas with 3 of my best friends for a nice 8 day holiday!  I am saving like a mo’fo to get enough money together so I can shop till I drop out there, and I am hoping to buy a nice DSLR camera out there too so I can get some awesome pictures!  GET ME THERE NOW!

I have no idea how I have managed to survive this month, i’m officially skint as of NOW and have 2 weeks until payday (oops).  I’ve had to put away a big chunk of money to pay for some of my holiday as it all needs to be paid off by 4th Feb – It's looking like I might be on track to do that relatively easily though which is good!  I’ve also had to fork out £100 to renew my passport as annoyingly it expires 4 months after i’m back from Vegas, but the US insist the passport is still valid for 6 months after date of travel so i’ve had to get a new one L  Then i’ve had to get Christmas presents which has skinted me out too!  This is the first year where I actually have decent wages so I didn’t want to buy people pikey Christmas presents just because I am going on holiday, so have been stretching myself a bit but it’s all for a good cause J

I am really excited about Christmas this year.  I have plans with all my friends on Xmas Eve, one of the girls is having a Christmas party at her flat and then we are all going to a pub nearby for a bit of a drink, nothing too heavy as we don’t want to be hungover for Christmas Day!  On the actual day itself i’ll be going to my aunts with my parents and eating and drinking loads with my cousins as I won’t have to drive and pick up anyone as I had to do for my ex boyfriend previous 5 years) so I plan on having a very merry Christmas!  Boxing day my sister and brother in law are over with my niece which will be lovely!  I have to work in between Christmas and NY unfortunately but it’s just an excuse to tie up all the loose ends at work so I don’t really mind too much.  Getting in late and going early too won’t bother me J

I’m having a totally Essex New Year, we are hitting Faces – I am sure it’ll be rammed and full of idiots and really annoying, but to be fair everywhere will be like that on NY.  I’d rather go somewhere I know where lots of my friends will be and spend an average amount of money and be annoyed, then make a special effort to go somewhere different and end up hating it for all the same reasons – please see previous post on how much I hate the general public therefore going to a rammed bar on NYE is my idea of actual hell.

I know it sounds like a total lie (it’s not I promise) but regardless of all the presents, the thing I look forward to the most is spending time with my family and ultimately that’s what Christmas is all about – that and large doses of Kir Royale ;)

Anyway, do you lot have any exciting plans for Christmas?  What have you asked for?  I’m currently working on my Christmas list so will post it up as soon as I have a chance, it’s a bit late I know, SOZ!

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