Motel held an event a few weeks ago in London to give a glimpse of their new Christmas campaign and collection to all fashion bloggers. I couldn’t attend the event as I went to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers (i’m sure if you follow me on twitter you already knew about that) but I got sent some info afterwards from the super helpful Selina at Motel (thank you!).
I've seen a few blog posts regarding this evening already and it looks like everyone had a lovely time! The main reason this was held was to give the bloggers a sneak preview of the collection that will be in shops very soon. I’ve had a look through all the pictures, and they have some lovely pieces this year. I am looking for something a bit special for Christmas Eve this year as i’m out with the girls and we all like to make a special effort for Christmas. Motel probably have most of the dresses I am lusting after lately, so I was really pleased to be sent all this info even though I missed the event J

First up the Christmas campaign. As you can see from the pictures it fits the bill perfectly. Lots of glittery dresses, red frocks and colour clashing shoes. I like this advertising campaign as it brings the feel that these girls are celebrating Christmas in some old country house hotel, all running around going mental ala Skins Series 1 - that is right up my street and pretty much how I act with the girls at Christmas! As much as the advertising campaign doesn’t exactly showcase the clothes to their full potential, it does the job: Makes you want to look at the clothes in more detail, and gets you thinking about Christmas, and the all important Christmas Outfits. (Sorry boys, it’s a girl thing).
So next up, the actual collection. At first glance there are lots of dresses, all similar in shape. I noticed that they have a lot of the same style of dress in the same 3 prints too. Not a bad thing if you like the print and what some different options, but it's not the most diverse range i've ever seen. Motel has stuck to the standard Christmas colours pretty well; black, red, royal blue and bronze. One thing that was nice to see was the amount of print in the collection - most designers think you can whack a few sequins on a bog standard dress and that instantly makes it a Christmas staple. I’m pleased that they’ve included nice going out tops and trousers – a lot of brands fall into the trap of focusing solely on the Christmas Party Dress, but sometimes you do want to wear something different to everyone else. Sometimes the LBD just doesn’t cut it.
Here is my pick of my favourite parts of this collection. God help my debit card come payday!
I ADORE this outfit, perfect understated glamour! |
Perfect for the party season, accessorize with a big fur coat to keep warm! |
Slightly more classy than the normal Christmas Party attire, think of the
silhouette this outfit would give you! |
Staple LBD |
Sequins, obviously! |
Loving this skirt, it's absolutely beautiful! |
What do you think of the collection? Are there any pieces you love, or bits you don't like? You can view the full collection here, let me know if you'll be buying anything for your Christmas outfit this year :)
All the outfits are gorgeous. I love the skinny jeans and crop top combo but I wouldn't be brave enough to wear it. The sequin dress is stunning though and I'd definitely buy it.