Today I am sitting at work, and i’m being made to feel like a pervert.
Before I go any further, let me get one thing straight. I AM NOT A PERVERT. I am however, sitting at my desk, watching 2 people I barely know on a webcam. I was tweeting them things to try and make them laugh. I get an enourmous sense of self worth when I make people laugh, and I felt all happy watching them laugh out of their mouth holes and know they were laughing at ME. This whole experiment is making me go a bit Lindsay Lohan I think. I mean look at what I just wrote?!
Anyway, enough about ME (unfortunately), I am here to tell you about the amazingness that is Tweetathon3 and why I am currently stalking two Twitter friends on a webcam. @diaryofaledger is entering heroic superhero status RIGHT NOW, by agreeing to stay awake for 64 hours constantly. No sleep, no food, no water (the last 2 are a lie). He CAN eat and drink, but he will not be sleeping at all, just staying up for 3 days tweeting constantly. This is all in the name of charity, and all in full view of a webcam so we can check he’s not cheating (or dead).
Gray (@diaryofaledger's real name oooh) started this at 8am this morning, and is going to continue until midnight on Friday (28th). He is doing this all in aid of the Charity Chapter1, who focus on providing accommodation and support for people in sticky situations. Stolen from *Stupid Rubbish* (sorry Sizzle), this is what the charity does:
- Homeless projects – Accommodation and support for homeless, vulnerable people.
- Family contact centres – Child-friendly environments for separated families needing support with child contacts.
- Refuges – Safe, secure places for people fleeing domestic abuse.
- International student hostel – Safe, affordable accommodation for international students, providing a home away from home.
- Social Enterprise – Training and work opportunities for vulnerable people, which provide invaluable services to their local community. These include our FareShare food distribution project for disadvantaged people and our Second Chance Furniture Re-use project for families on low-incomes.
It’s undeniable that this is a good cause as any of us could be in trouble at some point in our lives – It’s nice to know there is somewhere we can turn, and it’s even nicer to know that there are people out there helping this charity to continue their amazing work.
So, Gray is turning himself into an actual Zombie. @KyeLani is going to sit there with him the whole time and laugh. I am going to tweet them random things such as:
Telling them I can see a ghost behind them at night, and making them scared.
Pestering them to see Gray’s cat Dottie – she’s a legend
Admiring the massive red clock behind Gray’s bonce.
Trying to make them laugh
If you want to do something to help, there are a few ways. You can tweet either of them on the accounts above for words of support or encouragement. You can watch them live on the webcam here, OR If you want to go 1 step better and donate to the cause, then follow this link here.
I think they are pretty amazing for doing this. Why don’t you be pretty amazing too today and help out.
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