Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Happy Birthday to me...

Tuesday morning is pretty bleak when you're on a birthday comedown.  25 years ago yesterday I was born.  All weekend I was plied with presents, alcohol and attention, and like a 5 year old girl I am now put out that it hasn't spilled over into today too ALTHOUGH I did get 5p off the paper this morning as I didn't have enough money to buy it, so that's a start I suppose.

Anyway, I had a lovely birthday this year!  Started out with a night out at a bar local to us in Essex on Saturday night with all of my friends.  Drunk slightly more than I probably should have, but it was an awesome night.  Sunday was followed by a bit of family time - my sister bought my neice over and my aunt, uncle and cousins all visited, then that evening went out for dinner with 3 of my friends.  Yesterday I had to work but as I walked in I was given cards and a bottle of champagne (don't mind if I do...) and then yesterday evening went to the pub with my best friends for a drink.  All in all, a successful birthday.

I got some lovely presents.  I got some holiday bits from my parents before my actual birthday (I went to Ibiza last week) and some friends bought me a lovely vest from H&M and a nice New Look tribal print t shirt - both are perfect to wear with jeans and wellies, so with a bit of luck those two presents mean my festival look is sorted.

In other news, I was browsing the fashion websites yesterday and the winter clothes are all out in force.  Although I prefer winter fashion (jumpers and skinnies make me weak at the knees) I do LOVE summer and i'm sad it's nearly over, especially this one which has been amazing!  I am loving the hats on the River Island website too, can't wait to get myself involved in these; 


Thanks to River Island, i'm actually looking forward to the cold so I can wrap up warm with one of these :)

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